Audi MMI 3G screenshots can be taken and be saved to the SD card in slot SD1. File format is PNG and current timestamp will be used as file name. You can save images of GPS map, system configuration, rear view camera image and anything else that is displayed on the Audi Multi Media Interface screen.
Performing this procedure may cause permanent damage to your car.
Do this at your own risk!
We are not responsible for any loss or damage.
- You car need to have MMI 3G system. Check your Multi Media Interface version.
Check this article: Audi navigation systems – MMI RNS BNS RMC differences.
Audi MMI 3G screenshots mode
- Turn key into II position and wait for the MMI 3G system to start. You can also use keyless buttons.
- Make sure that you have an SD card inside SD1 slot.
- Go to the screen that you want to save.
- Press and hold both LEFT and RIGHT buttons on the center console, on the sides of the RETURN button. Wait until four LEDs on the soft buttons flash.
- Release the buttons.
- Turn off the ignition.
- Take the SD card out and connect it to your computer and check for the screenshots.
Example Audi MMI 3G screenshots

What a fantastic website you have. A lot of helpfull functions. Thank you.
My Question:
Do you know how to enter a hidden track log on audi mmi 3G.
The car supposed to save the last 10 track logs.
I do not mean the last trips you use your navigation for. These are really hidden logs tha the MMI system automaticly logs and save.
sorry, no experience there yet.