Audi Multi Media Interface – Audi MMI welcome screen (2G and 3G) can be customized for version of your car. There are few options of boot logo to choose: standard MMI logo, S-line, S-model (e.g. S4 or S6) and RS-model (e.g. RS4 or RS6).

Performing this procedure may cause permanent damage to your car.
Do this at your own risk!
We are not responsible for any loss or damage.
- You car need to have MMI 2G or 3G system. Check your Multi Media Interface version.
Check this article: Audi navigation systems – MMI RNS BNS RMC differences. - Make sure that your Audi Multi Media Interface 2G software version is up to date. In some older versions you won’t have access to hidden green menu or it will have less options then described. Read article MMI 2G software update to version 5570.
- Hidden menu must be enabled.
Check this article: Enable MMI hidden green menu (2G, 3G, 3G+).
Audi MMI welcome screen 2G – procedure
- Turn key into II position and wait for the MMI 2G system to start. You can also use keyless buttons.
- Press and hold buttons SETUP and CAR.
- After couple of seconds hidden green menu will appear. You can now release the buttons.
- Choose one of 5 options available.
- 0 – standard MMI screen
- 1 – Audi S6 logo
- 2 – Audi S5 logo
- 3 – Audi RS6 logo
- 4 – Audi RS logo
- Navigate to Accept Changes. MMI 2G will restart.
Audi MMI welcome screen 3G – procedure
- Turn key into II position and wait for the MMI 3G system to start. You can also use keyless buttons.
- Press and hold buttons SETUP and CAR.
- After couple of seconds hidden green menu will appear. You can now release the buttons.
- Navigate to car → carcodingvehicle → configuration line.
- Choose one of 5 options available.
- Navigate to Update Splashscreen.
- Press RETURN and CAR buttons at the same time to exit hidden green menu.
Changes will be visible next time you turn on MMI 3G system. You can do that immediately by pressing system reset key combination. Check the article Audi MMI force restart (2G, 3G, 3G+).

Hi, My audi q5 is in italian. I want to change the language in english. It keeps asking me for languages cd to load the spoken cues.
Where can I find it or download it or fix it.
Thanks for helping
Hi! The language CD part no. is 4G0 919 884 E. Ask your local Audi dealer for this part.
Hi, I followed this procedure by enabling the green screen. Problem is I don’t have the “Update Splashscreen(According car line)” visible on the screen; therefore, it doesn’t take my change into account. I have MMI 3g plus
Hi i got a problem when i try to change the screen is shows engineering sample?what is wrong?
I have 2009 Audi q7 it had a navigation button but I press it screen show that it is not install or some thing like that, do I have to buy some to use gps or I don’t have in my suv and screen is not touch scree eighter. Please advise me what do do to use gps and unable touch scree. If it is possible. Thank
There is no such thing as touch screen for Audi MMI.
Please check in your trunk if there’s a DVD drive for navigation maps: AUDI MMI 2G MAPS UPDATE DVD.
Can we install our own splash screen image?
On MMI 2G – no.
On MMI 3G – yes.
Next time that I have access to Audi with the MMI 3G system, I’ll try to cover this.
Like others have reported, “no update splash screen” option, 2014 A4 S Line. Any other suggestions as how to get system to accept changes?
I didn’t experienced this issue my self so I can only guess:
1. Please check if you have your ignition on, or just turned on the MMI with the volume knob.
2. Please set the splash screen to desired, then use RETURN to navigate to top destination of hidden menu, then press and hold RETURN and CAR to exit hidden menu, then reset MMI with three buttons combination.
Hi & thanks for the suggestion. Updating via ignition being on.
Followed your suggestions of using back, return button & return + Car to exit, 3 button reset.
Still showing A4 welcome screen lol.
Browsing around the internet I found that couple of cars have the same issues.
If I ever find out how to go around this problem I’ll post it here.
That would be very appreciated if you found out how to update the splashscreen on the 2015 model A4, B8.5.
Having tried this, I can get to change splash screen, but there is no “Update Splash screen” option on my 2014 A4 Avant S Line.
Any suggestions as how to get the system to accept the change over?
Check my reply to Bonzo, let me know if anything helps.
Any chance you can verify the steps involved in uploading a custom splash screen on a 3G MMI?
I got the following from another site and was looking for something a bit “clearer” and it involves running a script:
Some useful operations on the MMI can execute using scripts that are run from the SD card. The author of the scripts is DUK63 from the Russian forum, dostosowałem them only to our terms and conditions (Polish descriptions and separate versions for the resolution of Basic and High/3 g +).
The scripts are run identically regardless of the version, all the information will also be displayed on the screen.
1. Download the required archive and unpack it to a blank SD card formatted as FAT32, everything must be found in the root directory of the card
2 start the MMI (insert the key or the engine, it’s important that MMI like uruchmiło)
3. We are waiting for 3 minutes to MMI completely launched
4. Insert SD card into slot
5. You should see the Welcome screen
6. Press any button , for example. in the knob
7. Wait a moment, when the script finishes we will becoming a message telling you how to reset the MMI
8. Press any button. in knob
9. Wait for about a minute and then pull out the card from the slot
10. Reset the MMI (Setup + button in the upper-right + down next to the knob)
Hi! I saw that tutorials earlier but I’m don’t want to risk someones else car with this questionable procedure. Sorry, no experience with custom splash screen.
My software is a “sw0650″ is there any way to change to stay screen or does it have to be only on a Alster version
Audi A4 cab, 2.0 TDI S-Line”
Kind regards
Are you sure that you have MMI system? Not RNS-E? What year is your Audi A4? Is it B7 or B8 model?
Sorry just found out it’s a RNS-E system, but when it boots it says on screen mmi :S
Hi I have an audi a6 c7 2011 and after I restart my mmi all my menu on the screen is coming in Germany…. And when I try to change the language… I don’t have any language… Is there any chance to resolve this issue… Thanks
Hi, sorry for my english, I have an audi a8 (4H) and I want change the screen A8 to S8 but i have not the set up button. Is possible change? Thank you for your answer.
Try with MENU button instead.
hello i have a problem ,when i changed the logo screen there was a message “navigation is not active “i changed the logo again as default but there was the same voice message and now the map is working but the arrow on the display stay black. what should i to do
Hello can you help me please…i have audi a6 4G 7C 2013 and MMI 3G and on left corner green menu its wroten EM 1.1e RMC. I want to change display logo splash screen. And than i go to find option CAR but it is not in green menu . How can i change logo to S6 ??? Or it doesent go?
You don’t have Audi MMI 3G. You have Audi RMC.
Hey just a heads up on 3g+ system you have a number of screens to choose from does not update with model changes so were it says to update one a 3g+ you have a selection to make for want screen you want
Also trying to figure out how to switch the a7 out of the instrument screen (between the gauges) to say RS any way to do this in the green menu?
Hey just a heads up on 3g+ system you have a number of screens to choose from does not update with model changes so were it says to update one a 3g+ you have a selection to make for want screen you want
Also trying to figure out how to switch the a7 out of the instrument screen (between the gauges) to say RS any way to do this in the green menu?
Audi A5 2008 mmi 2g high firmware 5570
4= s4
3= rs6
2= s5
1= S6
0= STD
RS is not available Why?
Please help….
I have audi a4 s line avant 2014 with mmi 3g
With jostick..theres nobsetup button
Which buttons i must push to change welcome logo?
Br Mike
Please help….
I audi a4 s line avant 2014 with mmi 3g
With jostick..theres nobsetup button
Which buttons i must push to change welcome logo?
Br Mike
I have 2014..a4 with mmi 3g joystick…
Theres no setup button…
Please which button pushbtonchange screen logo…
is there a way to change or add chinese language on the MMI 3G , Audi SQ5